Monday, January 31, 2011

Emotion in Transit

Much convinced as I was,
Now it seems to be overshadowed,
Not by anything else but 'YOU'!
Yes, I feel to be shrouded by your conviction!

Worry not over my existence,
Entity of mine holds greater now!
Yet holding the dilemma,
What if I am chasing my own essence!

Wonder if I had to be dual again,
Or am I destroying the singularity of mine?
The questions and answers are yet to traverse an untraveled way,
Possibly that of never felt!
Feel I am being reborn,
Yet the feeling of being alive is changing fast this time.
Afraid as I am!
Should it not change the life itself!

Or who cares....
Even if does so!
The course is so promising,
That I am holding back to 'HOLD BACK'...!!


Mystery shopping said...

Thanks for exciting blog post! I really liked reading it, you are a good writer. I actually added your blog to my favorites and will look forward for something new. Thanks for sharing.

Praveer Neeraj said...

Thnx for ur valuable comment. I am compiling my thoughts and wish to publish them together in one volume. By the way, I would soon coming up with few snippets. Thnx